Devotional Good Friday

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 53:5

“But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds, we are healed.”


Isaiah 53:5 prophetically details the suffering and sacrificial atonement of the Messiah. As we reflect on this scripture, Good Friday prompts us to meditate on the depth of Jesus’ suffering for the sake of our redemption. How does the profound imagery of Jesus being pierced, crushed, and chastised for our sins impact our understanding of the cross?

Moreover, Isaiah 53:5 emphasizes the transformative power of Christ’s sacrifice—bringing peace and healing. The Lenten season invites us to approach the cross with gratitude for the peace and healing secured through Jesus’ sacrificial death. May this scripture lead us to a profound appreciation for the redemptive work accomplished on Good Friday.


Sovereign Redeemer, as we contemplate Isaiah 53:5, we acknowledge the depth of your sacrifice for our transgressions. May the reality of Jesus being pierced and crushed for our sins resonate in our hearts. On this Good Friday, we express gratitude for the peace and healing found through His wounds. May our lives be marked by a deep appreciation for the cross. Amen.

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