Devotional February 16

Scripture Reading: Luke 9:23 (ESV)

“If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.”

Luke 9:23

As we move forward in our Lenten journey, we encounter a challenging yet transformative invitation from Jesus. In Luke 9:23, He lays out the path for those who desire to follow Him. It’s a call to self-denial, cross-bearing, and daily commitment.


To deny oneself is to relinquish the throne of our lives, letting go of the pursuit of self-centered desires and ambitions. It is a deliberate choice to put Christ at the center, acknowledging His lordship over every aspect of our existence.

Taking up the cross symbolizes embracing the challenges, sacrifices, and even hardships that may come as a consequence of following Jesus. It’s a commitment that extends beyond occasional acts of devotion to a daily, continuous surrender to God’s will.

Reflect on what it means for you to deny yourself and take up your cross daily. How can you align your priorities, choices, and aspirations with the call to follow Jesus?


Lord Jesus, your words challenge us to a radical commitment. Help us, O God, to deny ourselves, surrendering our desires and plans to your will. Grant us the strength to take up our cross daily, embracing the challenges that come with following you.

As we navigate the journey of Lent, may our hearts be transformed by the daily choice to follow you. Enable us to live lives that reflect your love, grace, and selflessness. May the sacrifices we make in your name draw us nearer to you and shine a light for others to see.

In your precious name, we pray. Amen.

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