Scripture Reading: James 4:8a (ESV)
“Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.”
As we continue our Lenten journey, the words from the Book of James offer a comforting and encouraging promise: the invitation to draw near to God with the assurance that He, in turn, will draw near to us.

In the busyness of life, it’s easy to find ourselves distant from God. The cares of the world, the noise of our daily routines, and the distractions that surround us can create a sense of separation. Yet, James reminds us that the initiative to draw near to God begins with us.
Consider your own spiritual proximity to God today. Are there areas of your life where you’ve drifted away? Lent is a season of intentional reflection and returning, an opportunity to draw near to God through prayer, worship, and contemplation.
Gracious God, we long for the closeness of your presence. As we heed the words of James, we come before you with open hearts, seeking to draw near to you. In the stillness of this moment, we acknowledge our need for your grace, guidance, and love.
As we intentionally turn our hearts toward you during this Lenten season, draw us nearer, Lord. May our prayers be a sweet fragrance, our worship a pleasing offering, and our lives a testimony to your transformative power.
Empower us to set aside the distractions that hinder our communion with you. May our drawing near be met with the embrace of your presence, bringing comfort, peace, and a deepening of our relationship with you.
In the name of Jesus, who makes our closeness with you possible, we pray. Amen.